Burma's political prisoner Win Myint Maung


Anonymous said...

You are the man. Rich in brave though poor in properties. I respect you and wish your dream come true soon.

s .m said...

i salute you..hope your wishes come true. we need lots of peoples like you in burma.

s .m said...

I agree above comment.I salute you.....hope your wishes come true very soon. we need many burmese people like you.

Anonymous said...

တျခားတျခားေသာ ခ်စ္စိတ္မ်ားထက္ အျမဲပိုမိုေလးစားဖြယ္ေကာင္းတဲ႔ မဟာ မိခင္စိတ္
အေမတိုင္းကို ေလးစားရိုေသစြာ ကန္ေတာ႔အပ္ပါတယ္
အေမတိုင္းကို အရိုအေသျပဳအပ္ပါတယ္။

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ေပးထားသည့္ မွတ္ခ်က္မ်ား မၾကာမီ တင္ေပးပါမည္။ ေခတၱေစာင့္ဆိုင္းပါ။
